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Will & Estate

We build long-term relationships with our clients to deliver practical and clear advice so that they can achieve their objectives for Wills and Estate Planning.


No one knows what the future holds, but having a will and a succession plan in place makes things simpler; avoiding additional costs and emotional stress for your loved ones later down the line. It also provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your property and assets are passing to those you wish to receive them.
Our team includes some of the most experienced wills specialists in the country. They will work with you to create a will that reflects your wishes and circumstances – whether they are simple or complex.

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Writing a Will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and it will save your family a lot of heartache and confusion when the inevitable happens. Here at FHC Legal, we provide will writing services as well as advice in succession & estate planning, trust arrangements, personal asset arrangements and inheritance tax matters. We help our clients to ensure that their loved ones are legally protected, that their assets are distributed as instructed and that their affairs are handled exactly as they want them to be.

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Where the dear departed has left behind a Will, our team at FHC Legal offer our services in assisting our clients in applying to the High Court for Grant of Probate. The Executor named in the Will shall then have the power to distribute the estate of the departed according to the Will.We understand that these are difficult times for our clients and that court processes may seem confusing, however, our clients can be assured that our team will handle their application with efficiency, expertise and, most importantly, with empathy.

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Where the dear departed has left behind a Will, our team at FHC Legal offer our services in assisting our clients in applying to the High Court for Grant of Probate. The Executor named in the Will shall then have the power to distribute the estate of the departed according to the Will.We understand that these are difficult times for our clients and that court processes may seem confusing, however, our clients can be assured that our team will handle their application with efficiency, expertise and, most importantly, with empathy.

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Where appropriate, i.e. where there is no Will and the estate of the dear departed does not exceed RM 2million and consists of at least a land or building, our team will assist our clients to apply for a Small Estate Distribution Order. The estate of the departed will then be distributed in accordance with the Distribution Act. We understand that these are difficult times for our clients and that court processes may seem confusing, however, our clients can be assured that our team will handle their application with efficiency, expertise and, most importantly, with empathy.

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We understand that our clients often find it difficult to administrate or oversee the distribution of their departed loved one’s estate while still in grief. We offer advice to our clients who are acting as executors and administrators in respect of their duties in law. We can also facilitate our client in the distribution of assets to the beneficiaries. Our succession team at FHC Legal also work closely with the real estate team to provide our clients with seamless service when it comes to the distribution of land or property.

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Losing a loved one is difficult enough, but a contested will or probate or a disputed estate will make this difficult time even worse. Here at Low & Partners, we understand the delicate circumstances that our clients are in. We strive to preserve their family harmony and personal privacy. We aim to resolve the dispute in the most appropriate manner in line with the sensitive nature of will, probate and estate disputes. However, whatever the forum of resolution may be, our team will defend our clients’ claim firmly and fiercely.

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In cases where the probate or letter of administration has been granted in any foreign country, our team at Low & Partners can assist our clients in resealing such probate or letter of administration in the High Court of Malaya.

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